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Mt. Baker Ski Lodge

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Paddling at Mt. Baker Lodge, 1932

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Hotel Ritz / Scandinavian-American Bank, Portland - 1900's

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Gerry Looking for Tripod - 1936

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Mt. Baker Photograph - 1946

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Barnes Circus in Seattle - 1927

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Mary Pearson at Paradise Mt. Rainier - 1938

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Yesler's Wharf Seattle - 1888

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Mt. Rainer Nisqually Glacier and Gibraltar Rock - 1936

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USS Macon Over Seattle - 1938

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Pacific Northwest Loggers - 1938

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Lake Cavanaugh Fishing, 1949

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Mt. Baker Lodge, 1928


Seattle Times Sunday Pictorial | September 1972

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Mt. St. Helens Crevasse Rescue - 1938

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Mt. Rainier Paradise Lodge Buried - 1927

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Heaven on Saint Helens - 1936


Mt. St. Helens Pre-Eruption Postcard, 1936

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Remain in Full Control, Skiing - 1928


Taxidermy Specimens and Fur Rugs, JB Finley

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Long weekends at Golden Gardens, Seattle - 1928

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Canadian Pacific Railway - 1930's


Antique Metsker Map of Puget Sound

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Have Fun Skiing 1920's Print

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1927 Seattle | Union & 1st Ave

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1930's Longacres Racetrack - Renton


Mt. Baker Postcard, 1946

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Mt. Shuksan Snowball Fight - 1929


Vintage Pacific Crest Trail Maps, 1973


Mt. Baker Lodge Postcard, 1928


1910 Autographed John H. Williams, The Mountain That Was "God"
