More interconnectedness revealed tonight. Referencing my last post, you'll learn that E. A. Persson and Kinsey Brothers Photography had a grande 100 year reunion. Most interestingly it continues, as I've established yet another clear link between them. Going through this collection is like putting together a monster puzzle; slowly making connections and feeding the engagement level.
My inclination that Kinsey(s) and E. A. Persson were at some point touring the W. L. & T Co. grounds together has come into better focus. In these photos you will see rows of bunk houses, which lodged unmarried W. L. & T. Co. workers. It is known that E. A. Persson shot the first two photographs, one near ground level and another from higher up on a hill. They depict two separate camps, as I cannot identify coinciding geographical points of reference along the camps parameters in each photo.
The last photograph was shot by a Kinsey brother and is part of the brother's archive at University Libraries Digital Collections at University of Washington. The Kinsey(s) photo is of the same W. L. & T. Co. camp taken by Persson from the hill looking down, as there is a railroad track cutting along the far side of the longest row of bunk houses. One can also see the lieutenant headquarters in each photograph (middle right) and adjacent water tank. Although there are differences in either camps layout, there is a definitive correlation between the two. Persson's photograph was obviously taken a season or two prior to Kinsey's, there are many more felled trees and brush yet to be cleared along the camp parameters.
These discoveries are wonderful for me and my family. Any rewards are appreciated in research and these completely exceed what I've expected to find. With more than 1500 photographs and as many postcards yet to comb through, I'm confident this temporal reunion won't be the last.
Photo by E. A. Persson of W. L. & T. Co. camp, near Oak Point, WA. Two girls playing far right. (1906-10)
Photo by E. A. Persson of W. L. & T. Co. near Oak Point, WA. Lieutenant headquarters middle right. (1906-10)
Photograph by Kinsey Brothers (courtesy University Libraries Digital Collections). Lieutenant headquarters far middle right.