Prior to the reunion with his family in 1910-11, Erik Andreas Persson earned rank with the railroad industry. His craftsmanship, engineering and management skills were reputable and desirable. By 1906 this experience was enough to land him a permanent position with logging and railroad tycoon J.S. O'Gorman. This set of field photographs were taken by Persson himself. Shot with a [surviving] Kodak folding pocket camera.
Through a process called yarding a complex network of cables and engines sorted and loaded fallen timber. From the deep perspective images below and based on the diagram, Erik Andreas would have been standing along the tracks and loading area. A high resolution scan provides a hopeless detail of what I'd call an Elder Berry sapling, symbolizing the only signs of forest life in the image.
Photo E. A. Persson, n.d.
Photo E. A. Persson, n.d.
Photo courtesy of Oregon State Libraries